Sunday, October 28, 2012

Early Observations

We officially registered this blog a week ago, so I’m going to refer to that as the official “start” of my training, even though I’ve been flirting with the idea of regular running for a while now.

So far, I’m not too talented at the running thing. My biggest challenge? I get bored. I’ll be running, my body will feel fine, I won’t be too winded or too tired, but I’ll be bored. I can get my body to work, but my brain is another story.

Here are some early successes from Week 1 of training:

  • I completed a 6 mile session (and only thought about giving up 300 times during the run).
  • I can run 4 consecutive miles at a 10-minute-mile pace! (Too bad elite runners can do 26 consecutive miles at much faster pace...)
  • I did a silent run (one with no music or podcasts) and realized my brain isn’t too scary of a place to be.

But, there are failures for every success. Most notably:

  • I ruined my running shoes because I went out in the rain.
  • I ruined my foot because I started running in non-supportive, hand-me-down Coach sneakers instead.
  • I already have a black toenail. One week of training, and I already have a black toenail! I didn’t expect that to happen so soon. If my nipples start bleeding next week, you might have to count me out of this whole running thing.

Miles run today: 0 (let’s hope this rest day makes my injury go away!)

Miles run since the start of training: 16.12
Days until the race: 194