Sunday, November 11, 2012

I Want to Run like Daniel Craig

That man can fly over ice. Also, he has badass music follow him around. 
Challenge this week: Listen to James Bond soundtrack while running. Movie music makes the little victories in life so much more dramatic.
Go on a silent run.

Outdoor miles last week: 11.5
Indoor miles, elliptical: 15

Here's to a new week and a new start. 

The Agent 007 inside me was awakened.
I ran 9.6 miles today. This is the longest distance and longest time (It took exactly 2 hours, so I ran an average of 12 minutes each mile) I've ever done. Even though I'm very slow I was pretty happy with my run because I was comfortable the whole way through except for the first half hour and for fifteen minutes during my second lap. I ran a 3.2 mile loop three times which was a mental challenge to say the least. The second lap I pretended it was my first, and the third lap I pretended it was my first also. I also made sure I felt like I was walking very fast and I could sing or talk at the speed I was at. When I was bored I engaged my core, whatever that means. I never looked at my watch.
Things I've learned:
-Channeling the Agent works, no one on the road really knows you and if they see you, who cares, you're not bothering anyone. If anything, you will make their day a little more unique.
-A good warmup for me was a private dance party in my room for 5 minutes, gangnam style, and doing 30 pushups.
-I shouldn't change my ipod selection, no matter what, even if it slows down and the sounds of Beginner Hindi come on, it interrupts the flow
-I should come up with some new playlists
-Walk for 5 minutes after, drink water, stretching hamstrings and calves, touch your toes, do the duck walk.
-Don't be competitive with the other runners. The moms and dads pushing their babies in strollers will always beat me. So will the eighty-year olds. Power to them! Accept it.
-Pretend to enjoy the first twenty minutes of running and vary speeds slightly. Eventually I started to actually enjoy the run, especially on the third lap. When it was near the end of the run, I felt more powerful and stronger than ever. It was great.
-It's easier to run the path already taken. I've run this path around 30 times already.  I like knowing where I am going and where I am at, but the terrain is predictable. I need to take the plunge and mix it up.
-Make time for running, make time for people. Stop procrastinating.

Miles run this week: 9.6

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